Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Oatmeal Stuff"

Oatmeal Stuff ready to eat!
Fall is such a wonderful time of year, and the thing I look forward to even more than the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte is oatmeal for breakfast.  My mom introduced this recipe to me just after the twins were born.  Now boring oatmeal just doesn't cut it.  My boys have nicknamed it "Oatmeal Stuff" and so that's what I'll call it!

This is enough for two toddler servings and a mommy size serving.  Adjust up or down as needed.

  1. Boil 2 cups water on the stove
  2. Mix in 1 cup Quaker Oats - Old Fashioned style, and 1/2 cup raisins and stir occasionally for 4 minutes. (letting the raisins cook helps them plump up and release their natural sweetness into the oatmeal)
  3. While the Oats are cooking, cut up a small apple into bitty chunks, about 1/2 inch cubes or smaller. 
  4. After 4 min, turn off the burner, but keep the pot on the warm stove.  Add your chopped apples, 1/2 tsp vanilla and a few shakes of cinnamon (or cinnamon-sugar blend).
  5. Dish up into bowls.  I add tsp or two of milk to the boys' bowls to help cool it down, and add a Tbsp of brown sugar to mine.  Hey, I'm the mom.  They don't need sweets, but I clearly do. :o)
    Gone in minutes... and what a quiet precious few minutes it was!

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